Тренировочные сборы для детей
- Набор и обучение
- Обучение детей в Академии
- Тренировочные сборы для детей

Training Camp Program

This Training Camp Program has been developed by the Research and Methodology Centre of the Academy. It is an integral part of the General Training Program for Hockey Players at the age from 10 to 17.

The training camp session lasts 21 days. Most of the time young hockey players are involved in training sessions on the field and on the rink, as well as rehabilitation and recreation activities at the intervals.

In 2018, a new week-long micro-cycle, when days of vigorous exercises are alternated with day of active recreation, is proposed by the Research and Methodology Centre of the Academy, so that the sportsmen could recover physiologically and psychologically.

There is one day off during week-long micro-cycle. On this day there are no exercises, except for the morning warm-up activity. The trainees, who accommodate in the recreation camps for children, have an opportunity to get into the thick of camp life: to take part in the contests and quizzes, evening entertainment show. The children, who accommodate in healthcare centres, go through health-improving procedures: massage, inhalation, phytotherapy, swimming pool.

Since 2018 the Training Camp Program of the Academy includes a module of cognitive loading. Under the guidance of professional tutors the trainees of the Academy enhance their memory and attention, improve vocabulary and conversational English skills at least for two hours a day. The Education Program includes speaking course, country studies and basic concepts of social grace. All classes are given interactively in order that hockey players could easily shift their focus to learning activity after intensive training.

Figure 1. Recommended duration of training camp activities during one training day

1 Training sessions of the teams of the Sports School for Children and Youth (by age)/JHL
240 min / 300 min
2 Daytime sleep
90 min
3 Recreation activity 60 min
4 Rapid recovery phase: from 30 minutes after every training session during the day, including morning warm-up activity (training) from 30 min
5 Cognitive loading 90 min
6 Leisure time 60 min