The Influence of Ice Hockey on the Formation of the Child's Body
- Набор и обучение
- Обучение детей в Академии
- Здоровье детей

The Influence of Ice Hockey on the Formation of the Child's Body


Physical activity is a universal general stimulator of development and health in any period of childhood. Ice hockey lessons with a properly built training process, as well as regular medical monitoring, have a very positive effect on the child’s body. Ice hockey lessons:

  • train almost all muscle groups, help to form a strong core;

  • temper the body, thereby reduce the frequency of colds;

  • are useful for vision, as the constant keeping eye on the puck and players trains the eyes muscles;

  • perfectly develop coordination, a sense of balance, speed of reactions, because during the game you have to constantly change the speed and direction of movement;

  • develop prompt thinking, speed of decision making and execution, increase the attention capacity and concentration;

  • earn to work in a team, form the character of the child, since hockey is a games-based sport.

Each stage in the sportsman development has its own characteristics. However, with the growth of sportsmanship and the improvement of qualifications, the attention to the health state of the young hockey player on the part of trainers, parents and medical staff is growing. Only a healthy, harmoniously developing body can withstand a variety of risk factors for injuries in hockey and be prepared for increasing physical exertion.