Medical Control
- Набор и обучение
- Обучение детей в Академии
- Здоровье детей
- Медицинский контроль воспитанников Академии

Medical Control

Medical control of sportsman begins with a medical examination, the purpose of which is to determine the health status and the functional group of the child for admission to hockey. This is a mandatory procedure stipulated by the Russian legislation (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of 01.03.2016 N 134n).


The medical personnel conducting the examination are assigned the following tasks:

  • assessment of child’s physical development level;

  • determination of child’s physical activity level; identification of borderline states as risk factors associated with development of pathology (including life threatening) during hockey

  • classes;

  • diseases intelligence (including chronic ones in remission) and pathological conditions that are medical contraindications to hockey;

  • determining the appropriateness of hockey classes, taking into account the established state of health and identified functional changes;

  • definition of medical recommendations for planning hockey classes, taking into account the identified changes in health status.

According to the results of the medical examination, the child’s belonging to a certain functional group is determined:

Group 1 - physical training is possible (including in organizations), participation in mass sports competitions, sports at the sports and fitness stage of sports training without restrictions;

Group 2 - physical training is possible (including in organizations), sports at the sports and fitness stage of sports training with minor physical exercise restrictions, without participation in mass sports competitions;

Group 3 - only physical training is possible (including in organizations) with significant restrictions on physical exertion;

Group 4 - only physical therapy classes are possible.

Children who belong to the first functional group are allowed to play hockey.


Medical Examination of Trainees

On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of 01.03.2016 N 134n, an in-depth medical examination (IME) of hockey players is prescribed.

In-depth medical examination includes the examination and consultation of the following specialists:

  • Pediatrician

  • Traumatologist-Orthopedist

  • Neurologist

  • Surgeon

  • Otorhinolaryngologist

  • Ophthalmologist

  • Dentist

  • Physician of Functional Diagnostics

  • Sports Medicine Physician

IME also involves the use of various clinical, laboratory and functional diagnostic methods of examination; the amount of methods depends on the age of the sportsman. For example, for children 14–17 years of age, a blood test for HIV, viral hepatitis and syphilis, physical fitness and exercise tolerance testing are already included in the examination program.

In Kazan, the IME is conducted by the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution “Republican Center for Medical Prevention”, and in the cities of the Republic of Tatarstan IME is conducted by the Center’s branches.

Current Medical Monitoring (CMM) is carried out for the day-to-day control of the health status of the young sportsmen, the dynamics of the body's adaptation to the training load. CMM is conducted by the medical personnel of Youth Sports School in medical cabinets or during training.

Regardless of the specifics of the training loads performed, the functional state of the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system can be assessed. For example, the methods of anthropometry estimate the increase in height and weight, and the methods of somatoscopy estimate the emerging posture of a hockey player. Regular measurement of blood pressure and pulse during exercises allows to assess the degree of adaptation of the cardiovascular and nervous system to training.

Based on the data obtained, conclusions are drawn up, which are promptly provided to coaches for consideration in the training process.

Medical and pedagogical monitoring (MPM) is carried out by physicians for physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine in conjunction with the coaching staff of the Sports School for Children and Youth. Based on the medical-pedagogical observation, the medical recommendations are made for the training regime (classes), which are taken into account by the coach when planning the training process and recovery pauses.