Physical training
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- Обучение детей в Академии
- Методика обучения в академии
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Physical training

О методике17.jpg

Physical training of young sportsmen is based on the theory of sensitive periods of development of children. The idea of the theory is that the life of every child consists of several periods each of which is especially good for mastering certain skills and abilities. For example, the development of child flexibility during the training process should be seriously trained at the age of 6 to 10, and coordination abilities are most successfully developed in the period from 7 to 12 years. It is especially important not to miss the periods when certain qualities are most amenable for the training effect when forming a training program.

Trainees of Ak Bars Ice Hockey Academy must have a set of certain skills necessary for a hockey player: strength, agility, sense of balance, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination. These skills are formed as a result of training exercises performed on the ice and off the ice. The Research and Methodology Centre of Ak Bars Ice Hockey Academy pays great attention to this issue, developing manuals for off the ice training sessions for all age groups.

As a result of physical training a sportsman should:

  • be able to play with high intensity throughout the match;

  • play actively and aggressively; 

  • be able to apply body checking and to play effectively under conditions of a physical pressure of opposing players;

  • be able to recover in the pauses between line changes during the game.

 The fundamental principle of the method in terms of physical training is a careful attitude towards the health of a young hockey player. The authors of the method give priority to pupils health strengthening, harmonious development of a growing organism, cardiovascular and respiratory systems strengthening, comprehensive development of motor skills and coordination abilities. Even if for some reason a graduate of Ak Bars Ice Hockey Academy does not continue his career in professional sports, he must leave its walls as a harmoniously developed and healthy person.