Theoretical training
- Набор и обучение
- Обучение детей в Академии
- Методика обучения в академии
- Теоретическая подготовка

Theoretical training

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Theoretical training of sportsmen is directly related to practical training. Young sportsmen solidify knowledge gained during lectures, conversations, seminars, games analysis during the training sessions.

Children may be asked to study the material themselves as part of self-study. In this case, it is possible to assess the knowledge of pupils in the form of a special test. Theoretical classes are usually accompanied by a visual demonstration of digital materials, graphs and tables, fragments of photo and video materials.

However, theoretical training is not only an element of physical, technical, tactical and psychological training of young hockey players. In addition to the rules of the game, a young sportsman must understand the basics of sports ethics, comply with the sports regime and diet, be aware of the anti-doping and anti-drug legislation.

Certainly, the main merit in the solution of problems of theoretical preparation of young sportsmen belongs to the coach, who equips children with the necessary theoretical knowledge. The success of his work in this direction largely depends on his personal professionalism, erudition and general culture. Therefore, Ak Bars Ice Hockey Academy pays great attention to the professional and general cultural training of the coaching staff.